Friday, March 29, 2013

Music Apps?

Hi everyone.  I decided my post for this week would be to see if anyone has any interesting music apps that they have come across.  I'm specifically looking for apps that my students can use at home to help them with reading music ( theory).  I've come across a couple but I haven't found anything that I really like.  Let me know if you find anything.  Thanks.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Garageband for Dummies - podcasts

Was looking for websites on Garageband and googled Garageband for Dummies and came across this website that helps you make podcasts with Garageband.  Definitely a website I will use.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Moosic Studio

This new app, Moosic Studio, sounds really cool if I taught more private lessons.  Keeps track of all your lessons plus payments and a portfolio for all of your music.  I'm going app hunting to see if I can find something similar to keep track of all my octavos for choir.  Would save me time going through all of my boxes of single octavos to find songs for my choirs.

Apple videos

After a little bit more research I found quite a few helpful videos on Apple about Garageband.  I've started on my Mac and will go to the iPad after I figure it all out for my Mac.  I thought it would be much easier this way.  Next step is to google "garageband for dummies" and see what I get.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I am always looking for new ways to use an iPad with my students.  I just received a grant from our school district along with two other music teachers to purchase an iPad for school use.  I have a basic knowledge of how to use Garageband but I know that it is capable of so much more.  Below is a link of for a blog that focuses on musicians that use Macs.  I'm looking forward to learning more about it.