Saturday, April 20, 2013


As Kathy suggested I used my "new" iPad with Garageband to record my Vocal Jazz group.  We were going to perform at the Greeley Jazz Festival on Thursday, April 18th so I recorded them on Monday so they could listen to themselves.  It is always interesting to have middle schoolers listen to themselves.  They are so judgmental of themselves and they can always "pick" out their own voice.  Makes you love teaching 7th and 8th graders.  Anyway, the recording turned out fairly well but the down side was the volume to replay the recording wasn't very loud.  I will need to look into options for getting a portable speaker.  I know there are quite a few out there that are fairly inexpensive.

Thanks Kathy for the suggestion :-)

Btw..........we never made it to Greeley.  School was closed from Tuesday at noon until Friday morning.  We ended up having about 12 - 18 inches of snow. is melting FAST.

Here is a picture of my daughter standing in between two piles of snow that came from my driveway.  She is almost 5'8" too.......


  1. Wow! That's a lot of snow! Hopefully you'll see some signs of Spring soon. Your project of recording your students sounds like fun. I think it's funny how they were so critical of themselves. I think we all can be our worst critic sometimes. Hopefully this was a good learning experience for them. Sorry you didn't get to make it to the festival, though.

  2. I'm glad you used garage band! There are several inexpensive speakers on the market for the iPad that will work well in your classroom. As for the SNOW, I'm glad I live in the part of North Carolina that rarely gets snow. I've been cleaning my pool! Tell your daughter to pack her clothes and bring her bathing suit! hahahahhahahaha

